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Mitrixsen Legendární hráč

Příspěvky na fóru (1119)

unBan Maaro.

Hello Maaroo. This thread does not meet the unban rules. Please create a thread according to them. https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/59744/#post-561820


Hello, xTaNouR. As it has been mentioned by my colleague above. Chat messages don't prove much. If he would have registered using your link, you would have seen him in your invites.

Blokace účtu na stránkách

Ahoj. Napis kamaradovi at nam posle e-mail na nasi podporu - help@gta-multiplayer.cz a tam to s nim poresime.

ban na 5 min

Odpoved jsi dostal, beru teda tohle tema za vyresene. Pokud by se u tebe nadale vyskytoval tento problem, tak si fakt radeji toc gameplay, aby ses mohl ubranit, v pripade ze bys nekdy dostal ban. Pokud bys mel vic otazek, tak nas nevahej kontaktovat na webu pres PM.


Hello Shaki. This thread does not meet the unban rules thus it's being locked. Unban Rules


Hello, KoBeasT. Yes, we have an official GTA-MP.CZ discord server, here is the invitation link to it - https://discord.gg/QRezgrzC


Hello MoNaLiSa. Like it was mentioned above, we do not issue refunds if you've lost something due to game crash, lag, being kicked by anticheat or due to your own fault. Please read our refund policy here If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact us again.

Suggestions on SA-MP

That would not be possible. If some countries are blocked on the CZ servers, then there is a reason behind it and they will unfortunately remain blocked.

Unban - _bW]Criminal[WoH


The video you have provided us with is not available. Please change the link to it.

Žádost o unban


Tvuj ucet, ani tva IP adresa zabanovane nejsou, mohl by ses zkusit znova pripojit, pripadne nam sem hodit obrazek tveho problemu?

UNBAN - Jakey_Wrzosek

Hello FNGLauris. This thread does not meet the unban rules thus it's being locked. As according to our Unban Rules, when the ban reason is stated properly and you don't have a valid piece of proof of your innocence, do not make another thread on the forums. If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact me through PMs.

I got scam from rayhand s3 player he is new

The player has been banned on the website for creating false threads.

I got scam from rayhand s3 player he is new

Your name on S3 is vedant_b_333 and you have no PMs with such player, neither from today, neither from yesterday. Are you messing with us? Because the only person who is trying to borrow money from players is you. If you are lying to us, then your access to our website will be blocked for 30 days.

I got scam from rayhand s3 player he is new

Hello SpooKen.

When exactly did this occur?

can i get refund?

Hello, Fortyone.

Unfortunately, it was only you who crashed during that time, therefore no refund is possible.


Ahoj, nechapu proc to musite tak zbytecne kompikovat. Kdyz uz chces mit nejake vytunene vozidlo, tak si ho muzes vytunit sam a nemusis o to zadat zadne jine hrace, viz vase zpravy niz, plus k tomu to je vsechno proti pravidlum serveru. 30.9.2021 Zacatek vasich zprav Pak jsi mu poslal dalsich 6,900,000$ A na konci ti on zase prodal Elegy 1.10.2021 Zde jsi mu zase prodal to Elegy zpet Pak jsi mu zase poslal penize A on ti to Elegy zas vratil A tady konci konverzace. Z vasich zprav chapu, ze tys mu posilal penize na to aby ti on zase vytunil Elegy, ktere ti na konci prodal za 0$. Muzes mi teda vysvetlit jak presne te "scammnul"? K tem vasim dohodam se nemame jak dostat, jelikoz jste to z nejakeho duvodu resili na discordu.

Unban Michael Scofield

Hello MichaelScofield. If you have no evidence to prove that you did not cheat, then your ban will remain and this thread will be locked as according to our Unban Rules.

unacceptable name

Hello, mids0n.

It appears that you have successfuly managed to join the server two hours ago, so I am assuming that your issue is fixed.

If you require further support or assistance, do not hesitate to contact us again.

first vpn baned second evade baned !

Hello, TheOdor27. You have broken several rules here. 1. You used a VPN and ended up being banned 2. You joined your friend's account and tried to evade your ban 3. You've created two more accounts after your friend's account was banned. Server Rules It should be clear, that any form of ban evasion is not permitted on our servers. You are also not allowed to join accounts which you are not the owner of. The proper way to deal with such things is by creating a forum thread or contacting our e-mail support. There isn't much that can be done in your case, given that you've evaded your ban about 3 times.


Hello KingEevee. This thread does not meet the unban rules, thus it's being locked. https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/59744/#post-561820

1... 3 4 5 6 7... 56

O uživateli Mitrixsen:

Currently not an administrator on Czech and English servers.

I am the first X-Man, that joke's ahead of our time.

Helper od/since 14.1.2019
Moderator... (více)

Registrován: 30.4.2017

Přihlášen: Před 10 hodinami

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