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Clepka Experienced player

Forum posts (10)

Suggestions on SA-MP

(car, bike kilometrage) the more you drive your car the more km is on it, thus it could be more valueable, some rp servers use it, it would be an intresting mechanic to the game and would open up possibilities for other players to drive the car to get the kilometers up, for some extra money. (paid by the player)


(car, bike kilometrage) the more you drive your car the more km is on it, thus it could be more valueable, some rp servers use it, it would be an intresting mechanic to the game and would open up possibilities for other players to drive the car to get the kilometers up, for some extra money. (paid by the player)


Me, Mrs_mozas, Lil_tutka, and Arniuxas have lost 300k from heist, and it bugged it out so we cant re do it. could we get a refund?

modshop refund

maybe next time the server should add a notification for buying and replacing items next time? because alot of player could not know of item replacement in the trunk if you buy one or the other

modshop refund

Can i get a refund if i accidentally bought car stereo, and it replaced my gun locker? i bought it for 2.5m and now its gone.

Gta Underground

I watched and read about the plans for GTA;UG the devs them selfs said that i is possible to import it over to ug servers when the MP is released, but for future plans for this server i highly recommend thinking about this idea, since i want to see this server use its max potential. the content this server has and content of UG would be just insane

Gta Underground

NiCe if your seeing this, consider importing your server to Gta underground. For those who dont know what it is, it basically imports all the rockstar 3d era content to gta samp, 8 maps, vice city and exc. 300+weapons, basically everything is imported, its continues samp forward, i think it uses the prawn system which basically lets you import your server and all of its features to GTA;UG. multiplayer is due to release in 25th of December, happy Christmas yall. NiCe, think about this idea

Suggestions on SA-MP

I suggest command /para you can get free parachute when you need it like on a roof with mg. command has to have cooldown

Suggestions on SA-MP

i suggest a command /para witch gives you a parachute if your in a pickle on a roof with mg ;)

Request. ..

I request a command /para witch gives you a parachute when needed like if your stuck on a building with mg


About Clepka:


Registered: 09/12/2015

Logged in: 02/01/2024

Recently played

3 months ago - Played 20 minutes
4 months ago - Played 2 hours and 5 minutes

Most gaming time

970 hours and 55 minutes
20 minutes

Recent achievements

Make 10 posts on the forums Completed 22/03/2021
Play 500 hours on game servers Completed 16/07/2018
Purchase premium account Completed 26/10/2016