




RefundRefund Hydra

Mikyyyy Level 45 16/05/2024 04:20 PM
xSmail. Wtls2 i m asking for refund hydra i was in hydra driving it till i was talking with my friend and i got out of it by wrong and i saw it where it got landed then i killed my self and go the same place where it land it was near hospital at grave yard and when i came to just pick it up it got dispeared i couldent clip at that time as the gamebar got bugged or somehow only when i got out of game and came back it was clipping normally
i m asking for refund hydra
i was in hydra driving it till i was talking with my friend and i got out of it by wrong and i saw it where it got landed then i killed my self and go the same place where it land it was near hospital at grave yard and when i came to just pick it up it got dispeared i couldent clip at that time as the gamebar got bugged or somehow only when i got out of game and came back it was clipping normally
sMeX Administrator Godfather Level 124 16/05/2024 05:11 PM
You had more than 5 minutes to get in the hydra again but you failed, this isn't server fault.
You had more than 5 minutes to get in the hydra again but you failed, this isn't server fault.
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