




UPDATES i would like to see

these are my personal opition but i consider game balance for the updates -rnrn1. Crosshair for airial combact :-rn by crosshair i maen the aim animation and for vehiclas like rustler and seasparow it will be really benifcial and aircraft guns would be useful But with this hydra and hunter would be in a need to be removed to limit greafingrn2.Save seasparow-rn I think if we can save a plane with bonbs to drop we sould be able to save seasparow and with crosshair it will be useful toorn3. better launcher-rnI dont have any problem with the launcher but the games aspects like vehicla armor and special color ( the things not in offline ) it must be running in the server which mean lots of server load and a limit to give updates. With new launcher they can easily provide updates to be downloaded and it will make giving updates easier and can increase player capacityrnrnThx for reading if any member for staf find plz consider updates

First set of updates

Anupam Anupam 16/06/2020
3 10 93
these are my personal opition but i consider game balance for the updates -

1. Crosshair for airial combact :-
by crosshair i maen the aim animation and for vehiclas like rustler and seasparow it will be really benifcial and aircraft guns would be useful But with this hydra and hunter would be in...

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