



GandalfTheFabulous Trickster
GandalfTheFabulous has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 2 04:41 PM
GandalfTheFabulous has reached level 9 04:32 PM
GandalfTheFabulous has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 2 11:43 AM
GandalfTheFabulous has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 2 06:31 PM
GandalfTheFabulous has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 2 04:02 PM
GandalfTheFabulous has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 2 09:15 PM
GandalfTheFabulous added Hes as a friend 01:17 PM
GandalfTheFabulous has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 2 07:58 PM
GandalfTheFabulous has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 2 03:41 PM
GandalfTheFabulous has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 2 07:23 AM

Wall (2)

ORione Illustrator Level 32 12/08/2016 03:51 PM
Gandalf the fabulous, huh more like gandalf the fake. Let me tell you something you unconventional prostitute with one hand longer then the other remember the words i am gonna bestow down upon you. You think you are a cool person but all you ever did is try to be better then a hamster in a rottating cup, that says #number1dad. People like you make me sick you think you are on top of the world, huh well the name explains it. You think you are fabulous, well let me tell you something mister, fabulous is what fabulous gets, FABULOUS IS WHAT FABULOUS GETS the words of my favourite musician and proudly i would say close friend. So stop being so lost in your own thoughts like a blind men at an orgy and start asking yourself one question: "Do i feel the need to be the man they want me to be?". If that is to complicated for your little mind i will rephrase, in other worsds "do i need to make my life hard like a midget at a urinal or do i want to be more like an old lady in a medium sized bed petting armadillo" I think answear is pretty obvious. After this enlightenment i hope you will be a better men a better person and a better mother, couse if you cant help yourself no one will.
GandalfTheFabulous Trickster Level 9 11/08/2016 01:00 AM
Let the bodies hit the floor

About GandalfTheFabulous:

Hey you fuckers

Registered: 26/08/2014

Logged in: 18/12/2019

Recently played

4 years ago - Played 1 hour and 30 minutes

Most gaming time

45 hours and 45 minutes

Recent achievements

Set your user title Completed 28/11/2019
Set a forum signature Completed 28/11/2019
Receive 50 likes Completed 02/03/2017