




Unban S2 Fiksur

Fiksur Legendary player Level 56 16/05/2024 03:26 PM
Name : Fiksur Server 3 I was join s2 and saw i got banned 5 days by server because Cheats, i dont used cheat or any illegal mod, yesterday got banned on s3 and now on s2 Thanks you.
Name : Fiksur
Server 3

I was join s2 and saw i got banned 5 days by server because Cheats, i dont used cheat or any illegal mod, yesterday got banned on s3 and now on s2

Thanks you.
Ne2kas Ne2kas 16/05/2024 03:27 PM
if you are banned on one server, you are banned on all
if you are banned on one server, you are banned on all
Bull24 Legendary player Level 162 16/05/2024 03:31 PM
You are here almost 3 years and still doesn't know that you are not allowed to join any other servers when you are banned on one of them... Instead of joining another server you could've made the unban request first.
You are here almost 3 years and still doesn't know that you are not allowed to join any other servers when you are banned on one of them... Instead of joining another server you could've made the unban request first.
Tonyo Bandito Level 79 16/05/2024 03:52 PM
So when you are banned on one server you are banned on all three, well explained by Bull above. LOCKED
So when you are banned on one server you are banned on all three, well explained by Bull above.

This thread has been locked.