




Why banned?

Civilized Level 19 29/07/2017 07:26 PM
First i got kicked 10 hours, and now i got banned 30 days on s1, and i still can't find the reason why?
First i got kicked 10 hours, and now i got banned 30 days on s1, and i still can't find the reason why?
Kimm Legendary player Level 77 29/07/2017 07:44 PM
Go to your linked accounts by clicking on your avatar(edit profile) and from there u can see why are u banned
First i got kicked 10 hours, and now i got banned 30 days on s1, and i still can't find the reason why?Go to your linked accounts by clicking on your avatar(edit profile) and from there u can see why are u banned
Civilized Level 19 29/07/2017 08:00 PM
I did that, and there was no reason It was blank I still don't find the reason. P.S : I don't need helpers or other players to respond here as they can't do anything about it , only admins !
Go to your linked accounts by clicking on your avatar(edit profile) and from there u can see why are u banned
I did that, and there was no reason It was blank
I still don't find the reason.

P.S : I don't need helpers or other players to respond here as they can't do anything about it , only admins !
LeXuZ Lead Administrator Godfather Level 179 29/07/2017 08:37 PM
Hey, you've been banned by Deejva. I'll inform him about this thread.
Hey, you've been banned by Deejva. I'll inform him about this thread.
Deejva Boss Level 124 29/07/2017 08:54 PM
Hello, we are really sorry, you were banned by our mistake. Sorry for problems, you can play.
we are really sorry, you were banned by our mistake.
Sorry for problems, you can play.
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