





Babarogaboy56 Hustler Level 76 05/10/2017 09:53 PM
Hi guys So tonight i logged in to play on s2 and my ping, as it's always around 50-55, was alright (stayed around that number), but it lagged so hard I couldn't drive any car normally and therefore couldn't do police job the way I usually do. So i was wondering maybe if anyone of You could explain to me what is the reason of this, how can I fix this Thanks
Hi guys

So tonight i logged in to play on s2 and my ping, as it's always around 50-55, was alright (stayed around that number), but it lagged so hard I couldn't drive any car normally and therefore couldn't do police job the way I usually do. So i was wondering maybe if anyone of You could explain to me what is the reason of this, how can I fix this

LaZeR Level 162 05/10/2017 09:57 PM
You can check for background programs that drains your internet connection and shut them off also try to restart the Router and test the internet speed (happened to me alot of times but my problem solved by rebooting the router) or it's just a problem from your ISP If the problem persists you should re-install your whole Gta folder including SA-MP
You can check for background programs that drains your internet connection and shut them off also try to restart the Router and test the internet speed (happened to me alot of times but my problem solved by rebooting the router) or it's just a problem from your ISP
If the problem persists you should re-install your whole Gta folder including SA-MP
Archos Level 123 05/10/2017 10:03 PM
What do you do if your car is too slow to keep up with the traffic? Probably buy a faster one, right? Or you shut down the radio and naively hope for an improvement?
What do you do if your car is too slow to keep up with the traffic?
Probably buy a faster one, right? Or you shut down the radio and naively hope for an improvement?
Hoodini95 Mercenary Level 66 05/10/2017 10:03 PM
Hi I don't know if this will be much of a help but i hope it is :) So i lag aswell and have normal ping, that usually happens when other people are using the wifi (mostly) espacially when watching videos or playing online games(The ping might stay normal or raise).First thing you can do is simply relog a few times,until a stable connection is set.If noone is using the Wifi then try restarting your router and try again. Hopefully it was helpful
I don't know if this will be much of a help but i hope it is :)
So i lag aswell and have normal ping, that usually happens when other people are using the wifi (mostly) espacially when watching videos or playing online games(The ping might stay normal or raise).First thing you can do is simply relog a few times,until a stable connection is set.If noone is using the Wifi then try restarting your router and try again.
Hopefully it was helpful
Babarogaboy56 Hustler Level 76 05/10/2017 10:06 PM
?? Dude are you trying to be sarcastic or something? Cause you suck at it so you should be quiet
What do you do if your car is too slow to keep up with the traffic?
Probably buy a faster one, right? Or you shut down the radio and naively hope for an improvement?

?? Dude are you trying to be sarcastic or something? Cause you suck at it so you should be quiet
Leonn Helper Legendary player Level 78 05/10/2017 10:14 PM
Useless thread, try restarting your router to fix your connection with the server. Contact your ISP since we cant help you with this problem. All together improve your connection. Next time create these kind of threads in the OFF TOPIC section please.
Useless thread, try restarting your router to fix your connection with the server. Contact your ISP since we cant help you with this problem. All together improve your connection.

Next time create these kind of threads in the OFF TOPIC section please.
Babarogaboy56 Hustler Level 76 05/10/2017 10:18 PM
I will create threads where i want you are not my boss boy
I will create threads where i want you are not my boss boy
Kubura Legendary player Level 121 05/10/2017 10:48 PM
If you came here to ask for help , you shouldnt behave like a total idiot if you want to get some. Read what LaZeR and Hoodini wrote, it may help you. The ping may be low cuz you are close to host but packet loss can be high and will cause you to lag.
If you came here to ask for help , you shouldnt behave like a total idiot if you want to get some. Read what LaZeR and Hoodini wrote, it may help you. The ping may be low cuz you are close to host but packet loss can be high and will cause you to lag.
"No one who calmly stands can triumph no matter how good he was created" - 12 rules for life |
"Mindset without discipline is useless" - Kobe Bryant |
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Babarogaboy56 Hustler Level 76 05/10/2017 10:50 PM
lock the thread since there are so many idiots texting here. it helped btw thanks lazer and hoodini.
lock the thread since there are so many idiots texting here. it helped btw thanks lazer and hoodini.
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