



GTA: San Andreas

Mego asked me to upload this..

GTA: San Andreas
Tzurez4k Tzurez4k 22/04/2019

Comments (72)

Nqrs Level 88 12/05/2019 12:05 AM
XP Farmed
PenguinTrashedGTA Level 35 01/05/2019 06:32 PM
Basically 90% of the comment section is fighting and arguing and then there's that guy who just says Nice for xp XDDD
i don't mind xp farmers as long as their comment is relevant towards the video, but yacine is hella stupid
Showzer Film maker Level 120 29/04/2019 07:43 PM
Basically 90% of the comment section is fighting and arguing and then there's that guy who just says Nice for xp XDDD
Pan3Da Level 66 28/04/2019 04:42 PM
Nice :D
maderplayer Editor Level 67 27/04/2019 12:17 AM
I put two parts together cause as you can see in first clip he ran away, how could i know he will be back in 2 minutes? Would you puf a clip of you dying in your own killing montage (for example)?
I see that. And no who would do that it would look bad. killing montage is when you have good clips and not clips of killing noObs for nothing or unarmed
Mego0 Level 86 26/04/2019 11:33 PM
Mego less talking less XP farming aight fool? You’re the one who liked this video and now arguing with me and others, you’re the only one kid here ur GAY
Tzurez4k n00b Level 106 25/04/2019 10:52 PM
Mego less talking less XP farming aight fool? You’re the one who liked this video and now arguing with me and others, you’re the only one kid here
Mego0 Level 86 25/04/2019 10:15 PM
Bruh i was just apologizing and none of us should play gta if this is the way we act. I don't want to hold a grudge on you man, you seem like a nice guy. Hope you understand, have a nice day
just leave him man he will not understand as u can see he only can insult like kids , dont waste your time
PenguinTrashedGTA Level 35 25/04/2019 09:43 PM
Penguin you know what im, giving up, such a dumbass and mentally retarded people like you shouldnt even play gta, but Mario, so make your montages 1 hour long too please and shut the hell up, btw if you got a dick.. make a montage 60mins long or else ill accuse u of fly hacks or anything u wish and ima ask u then why u dont record whole gameplay aight?
Bruh i was just apologizing and none of us should play gta if this is the way we act. I don't want to hold a grudge on you man, you seem like a nice guy. Hope you understand, have a nice day
Tzurez4k n00b Level 106 24/04/2019 11:02 PM
Penguin you know what im, giving up, such a dumbass and mentally retarded people like you shouldnt even play gta, but Mario, so make your montages 1 hour long too please and shut the hell up, btw if you got a dick.. make a montage 60mins long or else ill accuse u of fly hacks or anything u wish and ima ask u then why u dont record whole gameplay aight?
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