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Types of Players (Reflective)

Unpopular opinion
E1warn E1warn 19.7.2018
This is a simple overview of the types of users of whom which i have seen or met with on my experiences online while playing SAMP for a long amount of time. The details mentioned here ARE OVERLY EXAGGERATED. So please do not condone or condescend on any players for what has been written here. While this could be deemed offensive to many, a minority might find something relatable here. What i hope to document is for this minority of users for non-harmful value of entertainment and as something to reflect to when they think they need to be humble or a better player / person.


1.The Cute
As the term suggests, New players come by the servers everyday. They get picked on very easily for their lack of skills and lack of knowledge about the mechanisms surrounding the in-game platform. I can only say that most of these players are really cute, because they often bear with many toxic players when they are at their absolute best (worst).

2. Alpacacinos
The portmanteau "Alpacacino", is conjoined term of two things, confoundly "Al pacino" the name of a great actor known for his good appearances on early films, While the other noun "Alpaca" simply refers to the name of a THICC animal.
You must be yearning to know why i had to combine these two bizzare and non-similar things together. Well, These are the users you should be WARY of the most in this list. The entire server is filled with these Alpacacinos. You may wonder why I DIDNT JUST LABEL THEM TARDS? BUT INSTEAD SOME HIGH IQ SHIT LIKE ALPACACINO SRSLY?? THEY DO THIS Because its cool and gives off the "GTA" vibe??. NO They have names like PabloPablo123 or RandomEscobar100 because it sounds stylish??, No, SIMPLY its cause they think guys like Al Capone and Pablo Escobar were actually GOOD people LOL. YOU REALIZE HOW MANY INNOCENT PEOPLE THEY KILLED LMAO. They revere these people like they are some sort of saints. yup. Its kind of an oxymoron. But if you actually take a step back, look at it from afar, its sort of REALLY ironic. Thus, it feels like these players appear as dashing clones of "Al pacinos" who are just dumbheaded "Alpacas" inside really.

3. The Alpha
There's always one sheep whose the best among its heard. While this is true, A Wolf can simply overshadow any standard of sheeps easily, given its hunting superiority by nature. These players easily stand out from the rest of the crowd. While they might not have /tops or over-achieving written stats. They continue to amaze the community each day or even make the whole pack look like a bunch of Third Graders in a moments notice LOL. Their decisions actually affect the upper class moderation and believe me, they do receive favoritism when its counted. So there's always corruption. We have all been there, Its not just one person. Lets be honest.

4. Scammers
"bro 20k?"
"5k pls?"
"i nyd event 2k pls"
"brrro can lend me 1m i will return my brother is in ICU his doctr need trreatment mony"

NO, you cant have that. LMAO stop asking. Its fine if you ask your friends, but even your friends find it annoying if you constantly slide in their dms like you are thirsty for money. Like dude, why do you think /jobs and /missions are available? Why do you think people play this game LOL. If they didnt block you by now, its cause they were just nice. So please ask for money only when its needed. The people who have won lotteries or add in actual money for game money, deserve what they have, its justified.

5. E-Gamer Girl
"Rawwwrr XDD I am cute". yeah, We all have hit on this one chick in-game whose got this lavishly seducing username. I mean men are biologically wired to be attracted to the opposite gender (Thats natural) But when you pick GIGANTIC TIDDY SKIN with some H O T Username you are automatically the perfect example of a jar of opened honey in a swarm of bees. Yeah. Thats right. If you really wanted to tone down the attention, you would have started there. Ask yourself what you really want.

6. E-Gamer Girl or is it?
When you actually pretend to be a girl online. Thats when you take the prank to the next level. Unless you are transgender or trying HARD true to remain to your second sexuality. Thats understandable. But when you want to XD your friends and everyone else trying to be a girl, you only come off as a Bad person for them. Why do you think CJ Banged 6 thots instead of 6 Grown ass men LMAO. You have to respect other's view of you regardless of the meme you are trying to uphold. but heii, its all cool if you say #nohomo :^)

7. Mr. Humble
"I giveaway 10m to my friends"
"Bro take my bike.. do misson :))"
THEIR GOOD DEEDS HAVE MADE ME NOT WRITE ANYTHING MORE ABOUT THEM. Honestly the coolest bunch though but stay real and loosen up fams.

8. People who use the word "A** Licking"
I had to make a seperate category for them, cause they are a special bunch of tards XDD
Users who claim other players have ganged up on them simply because they lost in some challenge with them or criticize other players who give off huge respect to old players. Its okay to be A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE. We get it. You want to be better than them. But when you type "A$$ Licker :)" You come off as disrespectful to the other side of the audience. Also makes you feel like they had an axe to grind with them. LIKE Who hurt you LMAO

9. Entrepreneur
Players whomstve acquired an incredible amount of wealth. People who have 50m or 250m in-game. Yeah. I am talking about the guys who have 1 to 50 FT vehicles and 50 houses with days over 300+ Thats pretty cool actually. It shows how much they have achieved in the game and the milestones they have tumbled over throughout. But when you TALK ABOUT IT 24-7 Its a problem. We should talk about it. Like We get it. You a real ROCKSTAR. There. I said it. When you Flex, Do it in a way that does not frame yourself like you are one of the Hippie Instagram Soyboys who just DABS on the Poor.

10. The person writing this
Players who actually WRITE about others because they have the saddest life in general. How sad are you? LMAOO You are arguing with people on THE FRICKIN INTERNET. Do you think anyone cares? HAhhhA GOTEM. But yeah, trying to be nice to everyone, even outside the game, even if its on /web or IRL does not hurt anyone. So always take time to reflect on what you say in chat or anywhere. Because sometimes it does make you look like a tard FR

If you spent time reading this, Thank you.

This is just an unironic shitpost. So dont feel bad. If you were wondering why i didnt include hackers. It just speaks for itself. They have been irrelevant since day 1 LMAO.

Komentáře (15)

Minazuki Level 67 11.9.2022 01:18
so Underrated
Locster Komentátor Level 54 2.3.2019 00:53
I'm glad you put effort into this
E1warn Poctivý Občan Level 41 30.10.2018 09:19
I know a guy who made 22m doing only courier job. Which kind of player he is?
@ Curlybirch Someone who delivers

Ya forgot to put "Money dawg"
@Z3FT indeed i did mate. Thanks for pointing that out. Its so badly written anyhow yikes D:

I hate such players who use term "friendship" for benefits
What about me ?

@Sailor19 Well, there are pirates, then there are sailors. You are clearly a sailor! I guess we both are sailing in dangerous tides.
E1warn Poctivý Občan Level 41 30.10.2018 09:12
I just saw this lmao,, this is hella bad
Angelo Poctivý Občan Level 172 4.10.2018 10:42
1.The Cute
As the term suggests, New players come by the servers everyday. They get picked on very easily for their lack of skills and lack of knowledge about the mechanisms surrounding the in-game platform. I can only say that most of these players are really cute, because they often bear with many toxic players when they are at their absolute best (worst).

Sailor19 Nikdo Vyjímečný Level 27 21.9.2018 19:35
I hate such players who use term "friendship" for benefits
What about me ?
Zeft Poctivý Občan Level 117 8.9.2018 10:24
Ya forgot to put "Money dawg"
Linked Level 92 7.9.2018 21:54
I know a guy who made 22m doing only courier job. Which kind of player he is?
E1warn Poctivý Občan Level 41 14.8.2018 18:45
What about people who read this and comment?
They wasted more time reading some rant a loser on the internet wrote (But thats why i love them, they are the absolute apex individuals amongst the crowd, I love them. )
DiazSuri Pařan Level 102 14.8.2018 17:59
What about people who read this and comment?
Ukázat komentáře 11-15 z 15