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GTA: San Andreas

Drogove valky / Drug wars

GTA: San Andreas
niCe niCe 11.8.2021
Jak chcete zmenit drogove valky?
- Resetovat vsechna uzemi kazdy mesic (na konci mesice by majitele uzemi dostali odmenu za vlastnena uzemi v penezich)
- Pridelat nejake automaticke vyrovnavani, aby zacinajici hraci meli vetsi sanci
- Nic nemenit

How do you wish to change drug wars?
- Reset all hoods every month (at the end of the month hood owners would receive payout for owned hoods in money)
- Add auto-balance so beginning players have greater chances
- Don't change anything

Reset kazdy mesic / Monthly reset

xRizla xRizla
ohnivykoule ohnivykoule
MrStriker MrStriker
MellowD MellowD
Malchus Malchus
Mamradecka Mamradecka
saado saado
Meloette Meloette
sMeX sMeX
Berny Berny
JayJay JayJay
Nano22 Nano22
Mannius Mannius
iks iks
Deroshi Deroshi
Jasonoy29 Jasonoy29
Clouds Clouds
xGuldy xGuldy
AbdoY AbdoY
Rio69 Rio69
Kurizmo Kurizmo
Ava Ava
Unwritten Unwritten
okdivad okdivad
ImFaker ImFaker
OKadosh OKadosh
PneumatiX PneumatiX
Tachy Tachy
GaberUU GaberUU
SchizoMinigunUser SchizoMinigunUser
Pooor Pooor
BulkmasterNoCut BulkmasterNoCut
SquareOne SquareOne
sidzen sidzen
Kubura Kubura
MrCreep MrCreep
Raskolin Raskolin
Elmirano Elmirano
Gismo Gismo
SaltyDogRS SaltyDogRS
LogiTech2 LogiTech2
TheVenom TheVenom
Attackkz Attackkz
Mazze Mazze
Overlord313 Overlord313
johanek6699 johanek6699
Bentley Bentley
Kimmy Kimmy
Jhonathan Jhonathan
Audley Audley
Paxton123 Paxton123
Minerva Minerva
Andromeda Andromeda
Detoxik Detoxik
xCodeName47 xCodeName47
DecentPlayer DecentPlayer
kostasGR kostasGR
Lurk Lurk
Solenza Solenza
Entix Entix
Kb7 Kb7
Amey Amey
ImJimmy ImJimmy
21Colliot 21Colliot
hunt hunt
RigO RigO
Factor Factor
Tenmoney Tenmoney
BirdWrzosek BirdWrzosek
Forty2 Forty2
MrFreekill MrFreekill
BlackBuddy BlackBuddy
Poypoy Poypoy
xero xero
Endo Endo
Eno5356 Eno5356
Bobby Bobby
JessiJJ JessiJJ
Pendragon Pendragon
ZroFSoviet ZroFSoviet
nes nes
Rely Rely
Hamsterp Hamsterp
Techpex Techpex
Opi Opi
DeV1CE141 DeV1CE141
Skaliik Skaliik
PalmenausPlastik PalmenausPlastik
TyZer TyZer
OldBoy OldBoy
AreRo AreRo
MaNiTi MaNiTi
terguy terguy
TheHellboy TheHellboy
WizGigabyte WizGigabyte
StaniceHranice StaniceHranice
Shpetz Shpetz
PodvodnikOrion PodvodnikOrion
Rico Rico
xxxsksJH xxxsksJH
Tawadi46 Tawadi46
Kostato Kostato
Monster575 Monster575
MinnieMouse MinnieMouse
Applee Applee
Christina Christina
wixty wixty
iNeedMods iNeedMods
ReadyBoss ReadyBoss
Kushtrim Kushtrim
idonotowngoogle idonotowngoogle
Fandango Fandango
Kurojekanec Kurojekanec
LegendaSK LegendaSK
FuryG FuryG
ShAgGyKing ShAgGyKing
LeKySs LeKySs
Alain07 Alain07
Nox1 Nox1
ukyonyrre ukyonyrre
Dudkenzie Dudkenzie
C3nT C3nT
torikosag torikosag
Flamethrower Flamethrower
KompleX KompleX
Penab Penab
Angelo Angelo
Stiffy Stiffy
Beli Beli
Milking Milking
KebabJoe KebabJoe
Biron Biron
ColdNight ColdNight
Waingro Waingro
Adella Adella
terezkaa terezkaa
999666 999666
GiveeviG GiveeviG
Jirce49 Jirce49
Ladicek11 Ladicek11
Cursor Cursor
tryhardz tryhardz
Vedran Vedran
Marshall Marshall
RodMart RodMart
skankovicz skankovicz
LoryMK LoryMK
farazi farazi
R3TivE R3TivE
gadzopuro gadzopuro
Rich1 Rich1
Zvenno Zvenno
Blas Blas
Lyovka Lyovka
404SyazwanNotFound 404SyazwanNotFound
Ekko Ekko
xSlitt xSlitt
RaiYou RaiYou
Asphyxiation Asphyxiation
Shakir Shakir
BrieferSphinx96 BrieferSphinx96
supracek supracek
Udoyou Udoyou
xUnClyde xUnClyde
Ayman049 Ayman049
Wr3cK Wr3cK

Nevim / I don't know

Astro21 Astro21
Abraar Abraar
Forza Forza
Blazin Blazin
plugg plugg
51K3 51K3
CryingKiddo CryingKiddo
Mariannetta Mariannetta
IndianMan IndianMan
Hiteshh Hiteshh
HaRviKos HaRviKos
Grinza Grinza
Boster Boster
Fl4yuS3 Fl4yuS3
FoxMarley FoxMarley
xDubby xDubby
Sparkyy Sparkyy
Farky008 Farky008
conceptvague conceptvague
Proff Proff
Wolfer Wolfer
DominikCZ0 DominikCZ0
An3la An3la
Aesthethicc Aesthethicc
daveR daveR
xTeFoo xTeFoo
PolyyAboDacoTakeNwm PolyyAboDacoTakeNwm
WiedzminCastro WiedzminCastro
Prajm Prajm
loneWOLFreal loneWOLFreal
Shinobi Shinobi
Kermiii Kermiii
Mouad Mouad
Layne Layne
Ploho Ploho
Plantera Plantera
Vako001 Vako001
Bull24 Bull24
Steeraz Steeraz
Playss2 Playss2
BadshahJee BadshahJee
032c 032c
Angel69 Angel69
xSniper xSniper

Nic nemenit / Do not change anything

Sam69 Sam69
TroxyDz TroxyDz
itsGrandpaToffiXniga itsGrandpaToffiXniga
Petrit Petrit
Rektos Rektos
Ayitos Ayitos
druglord druglord
Minazuki Minazuki
kryskry kryskry
Marthyys Marthyys
Linked Linked
Sysko Sysko
Hazard1 Hazard1
W1ssam W1ssam
ELDzej ELDzej
Lakys Lakys
gothboiclique gothboiclique
Tuxedo Tuxedo
Adamos Adamos
Nachoo Nachoo
ExtremeKill3r ExtremeKill3r
Lexan Lexan
Acceonit Acceonit
FlexZ FlexZ
Cappuccino Cappuccino
FrankCaptain FrankCaptain
xRooster xRooster
xDeW1 xDeW1
BlackJack BlackJack
Mark0 Mark0

Automaticke vyrovnavani / Auto-balance

m4vicc m4vicc
100KNarcos 100KNarcos
KoupimAutoVole KoupimAutoVole
Haseul Haseul
SilkAboDacoTakeNwm SilkAboDacoTakeNwm
Beamo Beamo
makezdtem makezdtem
yeyo yeyo
machooo machooo
ElectronicsPro ElectronicsPro
Blattnicek Blattnicek
xDLamakCZ xDLamakCZ
R3dfield R3dfield
Kuba11 Kuba11
MiKe1 MiKe1
aneetkaaa aneetkaaa
shuax shuax
waspp waspp
Lexie Lexie
Gibbson Gibbson
Joey2399 Joey2399
Haine Haine
lukys1 lukys1
averagemane averagemane
wewe11 wewe11

Komentáře (37)

Minazuki Level 66 22.9.2021 18:20
A full reset is only choice,from the time the drug wars started till now,i havent been able to get a hood plus i have been seeing from 20 days the hoods are locked
in s2 there was 3chance to join
1st when drugwars first came out
2nd when drug wars limit hoods update came out
3rd when dif and dem banned (lv was all white)
and you missed all these chances you can still join if you lucky enoght

-and there is much much more things to do and get money like warehouse and workshop or crypto or methlab
and much much more coming soon.
and i believe about 200player joined drugwars but they failed to continue.
MellowD Pokročilý hráč Level 65 6.9.2021 08:32
A full reset is only choice,from the time the drug wars started till now,i havent been able to get a hood plus i have been seeing from 20 days the hoods are locked
SaltyDogRS Poctivý Občan Level 43 4.9.2021 13:30
Nemal byt od prveho reset nahodou ???
Minazuki Level 66 17.8.2021 02:04
this is a trash suggestion since almost everyone that are on drug wars are friends with each other and they will team and knock out anyone that joins easily and keep their hoods
i said 12 so each guy will be busy fighting the enemy in his hoods so they will have no chance of teaming
Waingro Zloděj Level 49 16.8.2021 22:28
how would you know how hard it was.
There are 4 servers which you can join which contain drug hoods.
Sounds like you have no idea what you talking about drugs wars map has been locked for more than 2 months on server 2 and no one was able to join.

I fought solo against over 5 kids teaming against me and it took them a while to knock me off, this happened over 2 months ago, I kept trying to join back after with no chance they just kept teaming and trading hoods with each other gaining free money.

Monthly reset is the only solution to this cancer where everyone will get a chance to play with a fresh start every month.

make 12random hood get reseted every 1month
this is a trash suggestion since almost everyone that are on drug wars are friends with each other and they will team and knock out anyone that joins easily and keep their hoods.

A full reset every month is the best solution and there is a reason all people voted for it.
ReadyBoss Legendární hráč Level 117 16.8.2021 21:05
depends if nubs are teaming and if your hostility to the dealers are high, so good luck buying your cocain and wed later.
I used to have huge hood before first change in this update. And I know this stuff. Don't be mad...
xDeW1 Level 72 16.8.2021 19:22
You already enjoyed your achievements for more than 2 months when no one was able to join drug wars and when you were making free cash with no effort, stop being a greedy kid.
ok sire, wont you start making free cash too, tf are you so bloody negative about a freaking suggestion. Im not trying to be greedy, i would love to see a new player join in thus i started making money on them not quite a long time. What "no effort" shit are you even talking about. It takes 5 hours to grind out drugs, take over the opponents drug hoods then pack up a new batch. Since you didnt do crap during that time how would you know how hard it was.

There are 4 servers which you can join which contain drug hoods.

So you can basically just buy cocain from dealers and then put it in your base and get millions daily.
depends if nubs are teaming and if your hostility to the dealers are high, so good luck buying your cocain and wed later.
Minazuki Level 66 16.8.2021 19:09
suggest adding a rule not to team in drug wars, either that or a reset after 2 months.
after niCe last update for drugwars its so hard takeover and hold more then 30hoods and now everyone have 30hoods so they are full already
your suggest means you wann the old rule agine that no limit for hoods that way everyone will start fighting over till 1 or 2players win it all

good suggestion : make 12random hood get reseted every 1month and be for sell the 12random will be from each owner so 12player can have a chance monthly and actully you can takeover all the 30hoods with only 1hood its even easier cuz no loalty drop
Waingro Zloděj Level 49 16.8.2021 17:58
Let us enjoy our achievements at least for 2 months.
You already enjoyed your achievements for more than 2 months when no one was able to join drug wars and when you were making free cash with no effort, stop being a greedy kid.

Anyway this fair vote was made for a reason, and monthly reset won most of votes against no change by more than 83 percent, so sit back enjoy your last days of no competition and wait for reset.
ReadyBoss Legendární hráč Level 117 16.8.2021 14:39
there are plenty of other methods to sell drugs instead of fighting over it
But in drug wars you can sell your drugs 2-4 times more expensive. For no effort.

So you can basically just buy cocain from dealers and then put it in your base and get millions daily.
Ukázat komentáře 11-20 z 37